Jill and Bron's exciting photo world adventures

We travel the world - so you don't have to!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Day Six: New York!

Bron Sez: We had a very exciting day in New York New York today. To the left you can see us on the tube as we were going to the Empire State Building. It was very tall, a bit too tall for me, I actually vomited just from looking at it. Jill went to the top and waved at me, then also vomited, killing a couple of tourists at the bottom. That was rather embarrassing.
So then we hopped on the tube again, I say tube, I think they call it the subway over here. But I thought that was where you got sandwiches from, it was all very confusing... anyway... here you can see Jill on the tube again on our way to the statue of liberty. We had to sit opposite each other as it was soooo busy. I think Jill was checking what stop we needed to get off at on this pic. When we got there we went to buy tickets for the boat thing, and Jill realised she didn't have her purse. I don't know where she could have lost it, silly girl. Anyway, we spent the rest of the day cancelling credit cards and the like, but it turns out that most of her money was gone already. I don't know what she's going to do. I'm certainly not going to to 'keep' her.. its her own silly fault for losing it!
Anyway, so then it got dark and late and we decided to head back to the airport to get ready to jet off again... I don't know wher Jill went on the way back, but she turned up with a whole load of mullah! Hmm.

Jill Sez: Sorry I didn't write on here sooner. I was in jail. But I'm out now, so no worries.
Anyway, yes - The Big Apple! Oh how I love New York! The buildings! The people! The smells! The smelly people in buildings! I love it all. Yes, I do.
And to the Canadian couple I barfed on from 102 stories up, I really am just awfully durn sorry. I think I made them feel better by calculating the barf's velocity thusly: 32 feet per second squared times 1, 250 feet is... a lot of really fast barf. Dreadfully sorry, Canadians.

Anyway, I think Bron and I had better get out of America for a while...

Bye, y'all!


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