Day Five: England still

Bron Sez:
We decided to stay in England and head up north a bit. We visited the sea and took delight in watching seagulls attack passers by.
Jill Sez:
Shortly after this photo was taken, a pigeon carrying a human finger in its beak flew right over my head.
One thing is for certain: you do NOT mess around with North England pigeons!!!
Later that day, we took a walk down to the sea and watched a gorgeous, colorful sunset. The sky was all purple and red and yellow and on fire and that's neat because the clouds caught the colors everywhere and... I will never forget it as long as I live.
Bron Sez again:
You can just see on that picture the two alien space ships that zapped us up and stole us away. It seemed like hours, but really it was probably only about a minute or so our time. They gave us cake, so I was happy, Jill complained about the state of the place though, as it was a bit messy. Any way, then they beamed up back down, we noticed we were walking a bit oddly, and deduced that that must have been the anal probing... why do they ALWAYS have to do that? One day they'll figure out how we all poop and have done with it... anyway...
Jill Sez again: Stupid aliens and their stupid poop-fixation. Ouch.
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