Day Seventeen: Vegas

Bron Sez: We decided it was the right time to go and win some money, so we headed over the pond to Jill's neck of the woods, LAS VEGAS!
I was rather pleased as I managed to win about $20... I put in only $78 as well! that's pretty good going as far as I'm concerned.
Jill won a dollar! ROCK ON JILL!
I have decided to surprise Jill with our next destination.... hopew she likes it... I had to steal her passport to get the tickets...
Jill sez: Winning money was cool, but my favorite part was going to the shows. Damn, Tom Jones can still rock it, can't he? He called me "Sex Bomb" when I met him back stage. I can still hear his sexy voice...
"All right, Sex Bomb, get the hell out of my dressing room before I call security."
Hubba hubba!

We also went to a drag queen show, but Bron wouldn't believe that the lovlely girls were all actually men, at first.
"Look at their hands and feet, Bron" I said to her.
"But you have big hands and feet," she said, pointing to my size 10.5 shoes.
"Well, yes... but... uh..."
"I knew you used to be a man," Bron said, really loudly during a quiet lull in the music.
Everyone turned to look at me.
"No, I'm all woman," I yelled, "And anyone who doesn't believe me is in for an ass-kickin'!"
One of the drag queens, Miss Velvet Duvet, came over and calmed me down by letting me wear her feather boa. We traded shoes. Then, she showed Bron her thingie.
We all won that night.
Bron Sez again: Yeah... and what a thingie it was!
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